Urge the U​.​S. Government to stop funding Israel's killing machine

Urge the U​.​S. Government to stop funding Israel's killing machine

October 8, 2023
Petition to
President of the United States Joe Biden
Signatures: 32,840Next Goal: 35,000
71 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

The ongoing conflict in Gaza is a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate attention and intervention. For decades, the United States has provided unconditional support to Israel, financially and politically. However, this approach has not led to lasting peace or justice for Palestinians.

More than 2 million civilians in Gaza are impacted by the ongoing conflict, facing severe constraints in accessing fundamental necessities, including clean water, food, and healthcare.

Former President Carter, upon returning from a trip to Gaza, referring to Israel’s treatment of Gazans stated that the: “citizens of Gaza are treated more like animals than human beings.”

The citizens of Gaza are largely prohibited from travel, effectively transforming the small strip of land they live on into the largest open-air prison on earth.

In light of the recent conflict that started on October 7th, President Biden stated “Israel has a right to defend itself and its people.” This remark completely ignores the multiple high rise buildings being destroyed by the Israeli army, which uses US-supplied F-16 aircraft and weaponry to commit such atrocities. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israel has targeted and bombed many locations in Gaza, consisting of 123,000 residential units, schools, places of worship, and hospitals. Killing at least 8,000 civilians including 3,000 children, leaving at least 20,000 injured, and 1,400,000 (more than half the population of Gaza) homeless.


Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza's food, fuel, and electricity. This has posed significant challenges to the delivery of essential medical and humanitarian supplies. Additionally Israel has dropped white phosphorus bombs, a deadly chemical, over residential areas and hospitals. This is a war crime under international law!

We believe that it's time for a change in strategy. We urge the U.S government not only to reconsider its unconditional support of Israel but also to actively mediate peace in the region, rather than fund the killing of children and war crimes.

By using its influence as a global leader, the U.S can help foster dialogue and negotiation rather than fueling further violence through one-sided support. This would be a more effective use of American resources and aligns better with our values of promoting human rights globally.

We call on our government to stop funding and enabling the human rights crimes committed by Israel and to be a force of peace and goodwill. Sign this petition today if you believe in justice, peace, and equality for the people of Gaza.

71 people signed this week
Signatures: 32,840Next Goal: 35,000
71 people signed this week
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Decision Makers

  • Joe BidenPresident of the United States